(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Jackson Green:
The acting is very enjoyable to watch!
Sergi Miranda:
I love facial expressions!
Jo Anne Tan:
Nice work, though the finger point feels a bit contrived and forced
this is great! I like it a lot, I would just switch the character roles, doing the young more happy and the old grumpy, but it's just personal preference. I think you animated at 30 fps, too much frames for the audio, not that it's a problem but since feature is 24, it's cool to get used to the correct timing
Harry G:
Finally, Something good! The animation's really good. Loved the poseing and timeing, but i felt the humming guys poses were a bit overexagerated between frame 30 to 86. Apart from that loved the acting. Good luck!
Samuel Bourland:
The timing was excellent! Some of the poses didn't feel natural though.
Animator: Tegan Laing
Description: Waiting room shenanigans.
Experience: 4 years
Time taken: 20-25 hours