Final Rating: 7.20. Finished 6 out of 168 entries.

177,756 views including the voting period.


Animator: Michael Daemmig

Description: While on a trip through the jungle, three friends get into a dispute whether dinosaurs existed or not.
Rigs: Mery ( & David

Experience: 2 years, Student

Time taken: 5 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Runy Lee:

animation is well executed although every word = actions approach brought bad acting choices...

Chiau Wen:

I love the shrug at the start. However, I think there are too many poses with twinning.

C h o c o b i l l y :

The pose to pose is kind of obvious on this animation. There is a new pose on every accent. Very unnatural. Also there is too much twinning in these poses. The animation/transition between poses is nice though.

j. anthony:

This is really cool!

Bernhard Liasta:

The animation is good but lack of emotion from the soundclip. Good performance btw