(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Alyssa FitzGerald:
The torsos are stiff and the leg is crashing into the geometry. The actions are also both floaty and too quick with no build up.
Ben Zingo:
Try acting out the scene and shooting reference to help with posing & timing, and don't forget to bend the chest, neck, etc. to help add a bit of life to the characters!
Blinking also helps, and try adding a little rotation on the other axis, to add a bit of tilt & organic-ness!
Aniela Bogusz:
Looks real nice though the movement feels too robot like.
Animator: Mary beall
Description: 1st time animating an rigging for a computation so I'm looking forward to the fun for learning an getting feed back on how everything looks. Going through 3-4 edits to come up with this lovely pieces.
Experience: about 1 year
Time taken: 25 days