Final Rating: 6.99. Finished 10 out of 113 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Tomiwa

Description: Knives Rants her problems to Wallace

Experience: 2 years

Time taken: A week and a half


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Sam Windsor:

Great style! Would love to have seen the second character animated

Alexis Faessel:

This is crazy good?! I wouldn’t be shocked if you were an animator on the show, how inspiring! <3

Karl Bernhardt:

really nice, would love to see it finished!!
Could possibly bring that camera in a bit closer on the second shot as there's a lot of dead space but some really nice acting going on with the girl.
really good stuff, can see where it was heading

Erik Romão:

This fits Knives so well lol. Good job

Leesha Mendoza:

Great work! Love the drawing style.

Nicholas Green:

fantastic work, the volumes are really consistant and the movement shows an understaning of fundamentals.

Gail Mesina:

Those hand and head movements are so satisfying :3