Final Rating: 5.87. Finished 31 out of 113 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Azi Stiles

Description: Your average day of a rodent's life in the Big City, a Documentary.

Experience: about 3 years from being self taught to 1 year of school to learn new programs!

Time taken: About 14.5 Hours from storyboard to editing :]


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Nathaniel Vaughan:

I like the colors, movements and expressions. Although I also feel like their should be more lip movement.

Kenzy Lim Fong Hee:

Very Adorable, Good Job!

Erin Goddard:

I really enjoy the cut scenes and storytelling. The lip sync in the chair could use some more work. but I like where this was going!

Richard Adams:

Animation isn't great, but I love the whole cinematic feel of the storytelling here. The flashbacks, and that poster "Small Rat, Big City", LOL.

Nicholas Green:

Great concept, I thought a movie interveiw with clips of the film was quite original thinking, and the body movements are nice but I would have liked to see more effort put into lip sync.