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The “Starved” Feline

by Karenna Rathee

Final Rating: 6.23. Finished 25 out of 113 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Karenna Rathee

Description: In the silence of the night, you stir to a noise. Your feline master looms over you. Your bed, its stage. Your cat is here to let everyone know that it has been ignored and will surely starve to death. Oh the drama!

Experience: Six and a half years.

Time taken: About 2 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Erin Goddard:

the floppy ears! nice work!

Kyle Newton:

The acting and posing here is pretty good. I think it has a kind of constant movement that feels a bit unnatural. Could be solved by holding on key poses more to create just a bit of stillness sometimes.


love breakdowns but too much poses I think.