Final Rating: 3.75. Finished 64 out of 81 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Drake Marasek

Description: A man alone in the woods tries to distract himself from his deadly pursuer.

(note: around three seconds in the camera glitched and moved when rendering, sorry about that)

Experience: I have a few semesters of animation classes under my belt

Time taken: Working on and off over the last three weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


Doesn't feel like he's actually moving, more like he's sliding across the floor. Be sure to animate his waist to make him feel like he is walking. I do like your ideas though! I can tell what your intent was with each pose change


Facial expression and body shaking was a good addition to this piece, but the flow of the body was stiff and needed some more fluid frames