Final Rating: 5.73. Finished 29 out of 81 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Annabelle Valkhoff

Description: a nice stroll on the moors :D

Experience: 2-3 years as a student

Time taken: 15 hrs


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


Really enjoyed this one! If one day you decide to push this further it would be great to see the dog's body lean forward for the roar. Give it that oomph!


Definitely feel the attitude, it’s comedic and smooth


The smears on the dog are very good!

Pui Tsang:

Great lip sync and smear frames! NEVER WASHING EYES AGAIN

Ben Ross:

The video has great hand-drawn animation, and the motions are very expressive.

I also like the humor conveyed in the story.