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2d better
Philip Bransdorf:
I enjoy the creativity of idea of the character getting ready to party with themselves. The stagger at end of ready of party and spin really help sell the idea of characters excitement. The facial expression, seem a little off, not sure why she has one eyebrow raised when she not questioning her feeling that shes ready to party. Overall I do like the interaction between the two characters.
Lucio Mennillo:
Animation needs some love but the concept was very cool!
nice try.. i like it.
Svenja Ba:
Cool idea with 3D and 2D! :)
Yuri Marcel Vieira:
loved the 2d/3d interaction
Brent Forrest:
Oh wow - the 2d stuff is great - was it rotoscoped? The stagger went a little bit overboard near the end of "party"
Lilly Durrant:
Brilliant - very nice animation! Around frame 195 when she's leaning back and saying 'partaaaay', there's a bit too much shaking in the head and hand - they come across as too twitchy, maybe the action just needs smoothed or slowed down slightly.
Amartya Mukherji:
This is a good one..
Michal Shukrun:
wow! I loved the mix between 2d and 3d!
Milan Pad:
For me......this is 1st................
best so far...........
i just love it badly man.....keep it up:)
btw, i gave 11 :)
Robert Holmen:
Daniel Castillo:
love the 3D animated girl with drawn background
Patrick Rossano:
Nice animation, fun concept
Justin Jones:
Interesting use of 3D and 2D.
David Borja:
Holy smokes great facial expressions. I think there are just small tweaks that could be made with lip sync, and if some of the body movements came a few frames earlier, they would feel more motivated.
Also the 2D character that came in was gorgeously animated.
Rosario Salvatore:
watch your elbows and lipsync way off
Evelyn Hernandez:
love the idea. Id be careful with those head shakes during the excitement points
Very nice combination and composition! Loved it!
Joyce Makker:
Nice twist, haha. The 3D could've used more polish. I can see you're more comfortable with 2D, but your 3D animation is looking pretty good too :) keep it up
Nice addition of the 2d character.
roy cobn:
i love the 2d part
Animator: Roxanne Baril-Monfette
Description: Good way to start this new year...
Experience: 3-4 years
Time taken: less 23 days