(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Michael O'Brien:
I really appreciate your creativity as far as story goes and how clear it is. Never would've thought of this from the sound clip alone. Doesn't seem like too much thought was put into the animation, though. You could give the doctor a lot more to do like writing on his pad, adjusting his glasses, maybe moving around the gator and examining his stomach or doing doctor-like procedures with him.
Michael Launder:
interesting idea but it really falls short of other traditional animations here, i'd really concetrate on body language of the doctor, you have a lot of cool opportunities where you could show him climbing up the stool and struggling. find the story of your shot and use the body language to illustrate that
pankaj kushwaha:
good work keep it up :)
Edwin M.Santana:
You rock dude keep animating, you probably will win this. Your so good at animating, you can have my wife and kids, that's how much i like this, seriously tho you can have them, please come to my house and take them, you can execute me if you want too, PLEASE!!!!!! Seriously tho if you don't come to my house and do what I ask then I will have to do it myself, Please don't make me do that, help a brother from another mother out, PLEASE!!!
Dominic Rayner:
Animator: Zainib
Description: Timothy Gator has indigestion.
Animated in ToonBoom.
Open to feedback.
Experience: 1 Year
Time taken: 1 Month