Final Rating: 5.92. Finished 18 out of 142 entries.

921 views including the voting period.


Animator: Pradip Mohanty

Description: trying to identify a swan

Experience: 4 years

Time taken: 8 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Taylor Hornung:

I like the work you did with the glasses!

Lidiya Azhar:

This one looks great. I like that the idea is different too. Having the mug stay in his hand is enough, I think, otherwise it's just too many movements at once.


Hi ! i think you overuse the arms movements... one is enough ( at the begining ) repeating the same movement in a short animation is quite dangerous...

pankaj kushwaha:

wooohh good work hmm it will good if the second character will be placed infront of laptop because for few frame its not visible otherwise good job :)

Dominic Rayner:

A lot of uneccessary large hand/arm gesticulations, and therefore overracted.

Bryan Hillestad:

Nice animation! There are composition problems with the characters. It's okay to overlap them, but they stay stacked for too long at the end.

Nesir Muradov:

Nice secondary action and body movement but lip sync is off.

Bikramjit Naskar:


Jessica "Jess" Jerome:

nicely animated