(Commenting only available during the rating period)
The way their heads stretch on their speech looks great, also the frame on 167 looks nice.
Robert Firestone:
Nice! Screen right guy feels very natural. Screen left guy is a bit understated maybe, but it works.
Kirsten Schow:
I like this a lot. The characters' features match their voices, the motions are great, and I get what they are doing during the story. Great job!
I really like the motion, poses, and style! But the characters remain too static when they're not the focus--try adding in a little bit of idle movement.
Jessica "Jess" Jerome:
very nice, the animation is pretty smooth
Kirby Drisdale:
Everything looks good though I feel like the guy with glasses shouldn't be holding the pose from frame 18 - 115 for as long as he did. Same with frame 208 - the end. I think it would have been a lot better if he at least closed his mouth from showing his teeth.
Suyog Patil:
Nice.... Top 5
Animator: Sean Kiley
Description: The friend of a blind man describes some art in the park.
Experience: 10 years, here and there.
Time taken: 6 hours for rough, 12 hours to tween and clean.