Final Rating: 5.26. Finished 34 out of 142 entries.

2,342 views including the voting period.


Animator: Zaheen Ali

Description: The two hunter's being hungry for their first hunt, the shooter is ready for his bounty. Second explaining the figure and spoting the target for his shooter.

Experience: 1 Year

Time taken: 2 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


very nice i love it (top10)

Jessica "Jess" Jerome:

lip sync needs improvement

Salman Alam:

Nice Work but little bit more focus in animations.. :) well nice concept!

Awan Ali Astori:

keep it up :)


Keep it up...

Michael Launder:

oh hit that lip synch and this is a great piece! i really like the body motions. you should put your camera with the binoculars guy more to the left so that he occupies the screen right space. it would feel a lot better tot he viewers if they characters do not occupy the same screen space

Kirsten Schow:

Ohh, that pop at the beginning, where the guy is messing with the gun. It's a little too fast. The animation on the second guy is pretty good. His hand, near the end of the animation, is a little stiff, probably could have included a moving hold. But overall, fairly good.