Final Rating: 3.23. Finished 116 out of 142 entries.

532 views including the voting period.


Animator: Rannva Macdonald Arnskov

Description: Rig used: Squirrely 1.0 With an own texture

Swans are jerks ;)

Experience: Some from school

Time taken: Didn't time. A couple of hours per day the first two weeks.


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

John Gomes:

slide floaty and need to improve lip syc

pankaj kushwaha:

good work keep it up :)

Michael Launder:

why is his eye closed? was he beat up? you need to think about how body language can tell use your story without other visuals. is he cowering? is he afraid? thiese are the things that would tell us the story using only his body language