Final Rating: 7.21. Finished 3 out of 142 entries.

8,967 views including the voting period.


Animator: Adam Bryant

Description: Art has been around since the dawn of mankind, and so has confusion...

Experience: 3 1/2 years

Time taken: 3 weekends


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Niklas Bergwall:

Haha, great idea :)

Greg Kaperski:

Diane Aarts:


Sajid Ali Mansoori:

Great Animation and concept also nice.

Evan Helford:

The animation and rendering is well done but the lip-sync is off.


Super awesome!!!
Top 3 for sure

Dominic Rayner:

Nice animation style but the acting lets it down. I mean, why have the guy zooming behind the artist? It's a bit earnest. The artist is animated well and expressive, but his action when saying long slender neck is a bit extreme and distracting.

sunkari venkatesh:

good job . :)


HEY Azary rigs are not allowed

Razam Ali:

camera angles and movement is not so good ,but animation is nice ,

Suyog Patil:

Great... Top 10

Bokang Koatja:

lip sync letting you down