Final Rating: 5.84. Finished 21 out of 142 entries.

2,726 views including the voting period.


Animator: OrgMine

Description: -.-

Experience: 1.5

Time taken: free time


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Michael Launder:

seriously cool! all i'd say is watch some of the closing shapes like the m in "um" the mouth should close so its a bit awkward, but thats on great piece!


I'm a little bit confused as to the importance of the gems to the story.

Robert Firestone:

The animation is not bad at all, but it took me few plays to notice the gag, and I still don't really get the story.

pankaj kushwaha:

good one .... good work keep it up :)

Suyog Patil:

Deservers Rank 1