(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Zoe Piel:
TFW ur eating a plate of spaghetti and meatballs with a lit cigarette in ur mouth
Johann Wong:
Very floaty here, tighten it up a li!. :)
Chad Cox:
Overall, well executed and nicely rendered/comped. The middle shot of the hand was unnecessary, and you broke the director's line on the next shot. The composition of the last shot is a bit off-balance as well (I see you matched hand placement, but you could've cheated her right or him left to balance shot). The subtle color changing in the background is a nice touch.
Luke Coleman:
I don't know if the camera shot on her hand touching the table is meant to be there or if was cut a bit too short. Good lip sync, hand motions and weight shifting though, well done!
ya good.... some time the animation is going flty...
nice work
Animator: Sean Phouangkeo
Description: The conversation of life...? I dunno. Probably not.
Made in Source FilmMaker
Experience: 2 Years, Self Taught
Time taken: 3 days