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Magician mother and the Son!!!

by Amrithraj

Final Rating: 4.92. Finished 25 out of 83 entries.

431 views including the voting period.


Animator: Amrithraj

Description: A magician mothers conversation with her son

Experience: Not much

Time taken: 2weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Howard Cameron:

That stick is a HUGE distraction

George John Bowden:

A very strong beginning especially on the female character, however I feel it declines as it goes on. The female's position and relation to the camera is really good in the first 100 frames.
Overall, I don't understand why the characters are so far to the left?

Sarah Johnson:

Nice render, but animation needs work. Feels too pose-to-pose. I'm not sure what this interaction even is? Her movements don't always feel well-motivated (ie what is the purpose of this motion she is making)

Brian Duffy:

unclear what's supposed to be happening here. don't overcomplicate it. decent animation

Christopher Scott:

Why so much negative space?


Nice animation but take care with the framing and the story. That empty space at the right side distracts a lot and I don't see any justification. And I don't undesrstood the final movement of her.