(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Alex Ang:
I wouldn't mix idle loops with acting. A good pose with just a twitch of the hand would work for the over the shoulder shots.
Yonghwan Seok:
should have more acting and movement.
Adrian Petitjean:
The camera movement is off. Dont stop the camera so suddenly.
Story wise, i did not understand much. Not a lot is happening. The characters do move a lot but does not help the story.
Joshua Kaberline:
Wish there was more action
Z S:
There isn't much to this one, but the work you did on the black shirt guy makes for a really decent video game idle animation. Good work on that part.
Ryan Woods:
great camera work/composition, animation needs a little more follow through for orange man. (what boday part has most energy/weight?) brown man needs differnt pose or les wiggly arm, too unnatural. also the follow through for nose is overactive, more active than breast physics in video games =P
Victor Lemée:
Lack some weight, camera angle are a bit off. Take some reference and watch your arcs
Alvindra Surya Wardana:
I think the man wearing grey cloth has too much idle movement
Daniele Croce:
Cool idea but the movements are too fast if you want to make a more dramatic, infact I find those are a bit distracting.
Also the eyebrows of both characters are too stiff.
Jamie F:
Far too much overlap on the guy's nose and lips!
Animator: Andreas Nordlie Danielsen
Description: Two Three dimensional creatures find themselves in a deadly standoff in the long forgotten town of "Plane-Town" Where all people are flat as planes!
Theres no room for both 3D men in this town!
Experience: Half a year
Time taken: 2 weeks, probably around 20-30 effective hours