Final Rating: 6.68. Finished 14 out of 95 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Marie C

Description: My first entry in the 11 Second Club, featuring horse characters from a personal project :)

Experience: Self taught

Time taken: ~ Half the month


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Romain Durant:

Very great style and lines !

Cole Fourqurean:

This is really really good and oh my the horses! Finish it!

Richard Adams:

A little too stuttery (animatic rather than finished animation), but wow, is this superbly drawn. Character designs, the feeling of volume, everything stays on model, body mechanics, facial expressiveness, is amazing. Top 10 2D entry this month IMO. Might've won if you'd done all the in-between frames so it animates smoothly.