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Care to explain this?

by Joshua

Final Rating: 6.29. Finished 14 out of 57 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Joshua

Description: Started this very late in the month, had less than a week to work on it. I envisioned this scenario as a daughter thought she'd be independent early in her life, only for things to go wrong and she didn't get home in time to undo the damage.

Experience: junior to intermediate

Time taken: 4 Days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


Poses are all too straight, need more weight center movements and pose change. Dad as a strong big guy can more have weight when he is on the show, more finger animation you will be needed. Mom need more animation to keep alive while there is no performance, maybe a blink an emotion change or breath with different timing.
The Incredibles is a really good reference.

Clayton Orgles:

Nice concept and layout!

The Dad's arm movements are a bit too much. Keep it simple and snappy like the Mum and daughter!


I think you did a very good job overall. I think that the poses (particularly the dad's) are too linear. Everything seems to move constantly at the same time from each pose to the next when it would be more natural to showcase more overlap in movements, more pauses/slow downs in certain poses, and more general variation in speed. A bit less posing in general would be beneficial too; it's hard for the poses to make an impact when every other word has its own pose. I thought you did a great job with the facial expressions though!