(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Ankit mukopadhyay:
cinematography-wise, it looks perfect
solid foundation of animation, but the mouth movements need work, and the body language doesn't really match up to the atmosphere or context of the audio.
Clayton Orgles:
You have some nice pose ideas here, and have done good work on the storyboard. The eye animation is also good, and I like how you've animated her reaction in the close up!
My main issue is that I don't understand the concept of this scene. The opening shot with him pointing and making a fist and her backing off indicates that she's about to be assaulted, but then she takes it light-heartedly in her close up and he moves away with a neutral expression. I don't understand what's happening!
Like I said, you have some good ideas here, so keep it up. Lots of great poses! Just make sure your concept is clear during storyboarding.
Jackson VonMinden:
great work! you should study some mouth charts to improve lip-sync
Animator: jabbar
Description: A young girl sits with her bag, nervous and full of questions. When her boyfriend arrives, she twists her finger
s, rubs her neck, and her eyes dart around nervously. It's a simple meeting, yet filled with deep emotions and unspoken words.
Experience: 3 years
Time taken: 4weeks part time