Final Rating: 2.41. Finished 57 out of 57 entries.

0 views including the voting period.

Animator: Max Rodriguez

Description: I joined the 11 Second Club like two days ago and decided to just put what I could make in the limited time left :)

Experience: 5 years self-taught 2D?

Time taken: About 6 hours


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Ankit mukopadhyay:

I think the footage got corrupted while posting


only about 100 frames are showing, unless that's the extent of the work, your animation may not have loaded properly.

Ziya Shihab:

video incomplete

Nicholas Green:

Looks like you ran out of time with this one, hope you manage to finish the next one.

ronda crom:

shows great promise and then turns black blank...gave a 6stars