(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Antonio Marulevski:
Good moving and nice acting. I like how the girl sits on the bed. Only the second frame somehow doesn't work l, it's too similar with the first one
audio seems to have been altered. But beyond that the animation seems pretty solid.
Clayton Orgles:
Awesome work! Very strong acting. This is super professional and I'd be surprised if it doesn't win this month.
I'm sure you already know this, but I'll point it out anyway: the bag drop needs a bit more weight, as it seems to "float" to the floor, his lean-in happens a bit too soon; it would be snappier if he leaned on his line at 129 instead. Lastly, his eye-brows could've used extra polish, as they're a too exaggerated for the audio line delivery. But there are nit-picks
Hasaan Qureshi:
The idea is good. I think the lip sync is off a bit and doesn't match with the audio. Body Mechanics is really good and smooth.
Jackson VonMinden:
wow! this one scene really tells a story
Animator: Chris Welsby
Description: This is my attempt at fitting some animation to the audio. The set up probably doesn't fit perfectly, but I wanted to have the different performances of the male and female character.
Experience: 18 years
Time taken: spare time during the month