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Mad Scientist Noodles

by Jos

Final Rating: 5.68. Finished 23 out of 201 entries.

182 views including the voting period.


Animator: Jos

Description: Noodles discover that Scientist Noodles is using other noodles body to create life.

Experience: 3 years

Time taken: 5 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Moy Parra:

very nice energy!

Amartya Mukherji:

timing is nice.. poses could have been even more expressive.

Chiranjit Saha:

There is a sound after the dialogue is over.. was it there in the audio?
I thought audio can never be edited....

Ryan D Lowe:

nice little piece here. Timing could use a bit more texture I think. He should settle more after the hand gesture/dismissal on NOT.

Sergio Barragan L:


Malissa Burch:

I really liked the smears for the arm movement and the characters expressions. Great job!