(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Colin Davey:
When the demon explodes, is it suppose to be because the angel hit him? There isn't any feeling of impact and it's moving too slow so it looks off.
Steve Luna:
Nice! I think what you need to work on is your timing/spacing. On the red guy, his arm movement could be a lot snappier.
Srinivasan S:
Wow :)
Carlo Nicoletta:
Looks really good. Have the butterfly completely fly off screen by the end. I hope you go back and fill in some tweens. I love the look
Ryan D Lowe:
Extra star for choice of medium here too. Good lines/poses.
love colours here & 2d animation
Danny Kneip:
Love the style and colors.
Animator: sergeyPavlutin
Description: He did not die, he turned into a butterfly...
Experience: Some time.
Time taken: Summary one week. I think.