Final Rating: 5.07. Finished 49 out of 201 entries.

90 views including the voting period.


Animator: Daniel Vasconcellos

Description: Father and son have a different idea about caging birds.

Character rigs by iAnimate.
Bird rig by Fabricio Navarro.

Experience: 4 years

Time taken: 2 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Amartya Mukherji:

very nice. I think u could have given slightly more focus to the cage at the first shot, from the story point of view.

Babul Prasad:

nice animation, something problem with right guy (grey cloth) eyes, looking stiff at end and body action looking floaty at end

Sajjad Afzal:

There is no animation on hand movements

Ryan D Lowe:

The characters are very chatty. Tone down the jaw.