Final Rating: 4.45. Finished 59 out of 151 entries.

384 views including the voting period.


Animator: Brendan Hanrahan

Description: A police officer gives some quick advice

Experience: 3 years

Time taken: 3 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Bruno de Coninck:

I think that there is a little gimball problem at the end wit the arm of the character on the right but I might be wrong. Over all, there is some floating parts between poses. I have the same problem in my work : the moving hold doesn't seems natural enought. My problem is probably caused by my references. Check it on your side!

Richard Clark:

I see you're going for a cartoony feel for the performance but you should still shoot reference for your piece. In order to exaggerate correctly it needs to come from a natural performance.

Eric Raffle:

acting doesn't suit the audio and your actions are too snappy.

Nathan Greensmith:

Great personality in the second character, I only usually judge it on the animation during the audio time, but I feel I should say fantastic phone spin and walk off at the end.


Good start

Kyra Toomey:

Add an overshoot to him snapping up to a standing position. You're fluid animation falters at that moment.