(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Nikolas Diamant:
I really like the animation of the old man, good work!
Richard Clark:
Lip sync has too much change between phonemes at tends to pop here and there.
Ben Halstead:
Great work! The very last pose seems too aggressive to match the dialogue, in my opinion.
Bruno de Coninck:
Your characters are really to rigid. They almost look like statues. I stongly suggest you to add some moving hold to them... Also your character in the middle of your composition is a bit awry. It looks like he would fall if he was not that rigid...
Nathan Greensmith:
Good movement and emotion from character two, character one is a little too rigid, but good work.
Kyra Toomey:
Love the character acting, and hitting the beats. The first guy though seams to be fore one, standing a touch too stiffly and for two a touch off balance. One nudge and he'll stumble.
Animator: Yohan Zagrodnik
Description: Two guys who are enthusiast about phone call.
Experience: some years as an occasional 3d animator hobbyist
Time taken: less than 2 weeks