Final Rating: 3.70. Finished 93 out of 151 entries.

349 views including the voting period.


Animator: Lim HongGuan

Description: 3D animation

Experience: 1

Time taken: 1


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Richard Clark:

I recommend shooting reference next time. It looks like you didn't just from that "strange" move with the character in green when he turns to his friend. Your animation will only get better when you do.

Jasmine Moody:

Floaty o:

Bruno de Coninck:

I think you could add more contrasts to your poses. Your characters seems to always be kind of binded. For example, when the red shirted one catches the green shirted one around 175, I think he should be very straight. Those contrasts will make your animation a lot more apealing.

Nathan Greensmith:

It looks good, The big head swing from character one at the beginning seems a bit much, but the rest looks good. Dreat emotion and poses from the second character. good work.

Lawrence Cheok:

I can see a lot of space for improve,remember open motion trail to check the line of action of each posing