Final Rating: 4.96. Finished 33 out of 104 entries.

407 views including the voting period.


Animator: Debabrata Saha

Description: Concept: Two people are playing duel card game. where Fluffy and dragon are beast cards and most powerful amongst other cards of this game.
The old guy has both of them. that's why, the boy is eagerly asking from whom did the old guy got this.

Experience: i'm a student of Animation

Time taken: 30days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Nammi Eu:

I like the situation you've set up. You could have done some more work on lip sync for the boy. Would be better make the man's head move less around frame 180.

Adam Gillespie:

Too much work spent on backgrounds and textures, and overall it becomes too distracting because of it. We don't need to see that they're in a game shop, if you can sell the idea of their conversation through acting. Next time spend your time on the animation, and if you like the shot enough to put it in a reel then consider adding in a background and how best to do that so it's not distracting.

Ruben Uggla:

Really like your scenario here

Zachary Checkeye:

Gotta pull in your cameras my man.