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Young kid remembers and blushes

by Brandon J Pak

Final Rating: 3.67. Finished 88 out of 129 entries.

325 views including the voting period.


Animator: Brandon J Pak

Description: This kid in deep thought, annoyed by his off screen friend.

Experience: 11 months

Time taken: 5 days


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


looks floaty between poses..the arms should rest a bit..and the mouth is quite open big like he is shouting..keep improving :)

Waitituh Tracy:

respectable, although the hand gestures become distracting at the end. maybe hold the poses more and just add accents


Nice, could be even better by showing the second character

Branden Blowey:

Very rubber hose in the animation, which I can get behind. Polished too, but the mouth opens wayyy too much in the lip sync.

Prashant Makwana:

You can do much more
Nice job

Dave Roddick:

Would be better with both characters; actions seem out of context.