(Commenting only available during the rating period)
George Perry:
Love the floating coffee tray orb.
Henry Barbee:
Body mechanics are super solid! The facial acting is a little bland though, especially for the woman.
Great set up and a really solid performance. You put in a lot of elements to make this bit of dialog more interesting.
Markus Lehtokumpu:
Lot of animation before audio beginning. It would maybe put effort and tweak animation into audio. Nyt nice animation.
Natalie Spangler:
The animation in this feels better than some that I've seen so far, but for the sake of presentation next time, go to your display settings in Maya and turn off Axis and frame numbers. If you wanted this to look cleaner too, you could turn on anti-aliasing and Ambient Occlusion. I would also set my playblast settings to max out quality. Your animation is there.
Ian Hakes:
This is really well done. The only thing I wish is that it was finished. Otherwise well done.
Animator: jay patel
Description: Researcher got a difficult job to pull off.
Editing Credit : Jenil Patel
Wont able to finish on time, still one more shot to add.
Experience: 3 Years
Time taken: 50-60 hours