Final Rating: 5.74. Finished 19 out of 55 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Kevin C. Burke

Description: Submission for 11 Second Club, July 2021 Competition

Jason Rig by

Experience: Some online & in-person courses

Time taken: ~2 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Ben Zingo:

When he moves, it feels pretty natural, but other times when he's still, it feels pretty stiff.
Some ambient movement, hand gestures, shifting weight, etc. would add interest. And the lipsync feels pretty robotic, there's not a lot of expression or emphasis on certain words/mouth shapes

Leah M:


The lighting is really nice and the subtle movements are really strong in this. The slight sawy of his body and turn of his head and eyes as if he's searching his thoughts. The movement of his shoulders at the end really make it look as if he were really trying to peruade them of his potential.

I think if there was anything I'd add to this would be a little more light to the left of his body. The contrast dark is nice but a little to dark to me. though when he turns his head into the light it really works. The slight head turn when he says "swaggering" is really nice I wish it could have happened a little more to give it a little more time as the momentum with let it sway slightly.

I dont know whether to be scared or curious about the scene I really want to know who's he would be talking to and why.

Adam Bartholomew:

The subtly in the movements are great! Really love how patient you are in turning the head back and with the blink as he turns. I think the only thing throwing me off is his arms look really stiff; the shoulders themselves move with great affect, but they feel glued to his sides. Perhaps more movement in the axis away from his body would have helped?