Final Rating: 6.24. Finished 12 out of 55 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: davidmcevoy

Description: animated shot

Experience: 10 years

Time taken: 2 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Leah M:

hecc yeah

I like the sort of longing stare into his cup made me think that looking into his reflection put him in deep thought then becoming angry he pushes the glass off the table. The movement throughout his body is well balanced and the facial expressions are... well very expressive. It really feels like he went from his lowest low to better times.

The only thing I think could've been different is the way he removes the cup. As a prefrence I think him ttossing it rather than siting it down then swiping it. but Really I dont think I'd change anything with some lighting with would be a great mood scene!

Han Elzinga:

good, but the lip sync in the first part seems to not quite fit. the rest of the lip sync is great.