(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Natalie Wilkinson:
If only I had those arms for cooking. Liked your idea, and pretty well animated!
i really like the idea!
Aaron Rivera:
Wow, excellent job animating all 6 of those arms! Great concept that I can tell you had a lot of fun with. Some of the animation on the kid is stiff, and the shapes of the body could be stronger, especially the sleeves on the kid, but otherwise this is a charming, fun, and well made peice. Good job!
syrus johnson:
no story
Mohamed Muhamed:
like the six armed guy getting stronger.
Deli Daniel:
That was awesome :)
Kevin Sanchez:
funny :D
Benjamin Berg:
The idea is original, I'll give you that. I would add in some small movement where the characters freeze. Besides that, good job!
Shark Bait:
upvoted for the randomness
Animator: Ricardo
Description: I imagined a blacksmith making/fixing a sword for a young knight, but the sound is too fast, so I wanted more than 2 arms working on it. I really enjoyed working on this animation, I hope you like it :) cheers.
Experience: student, animator wannabe
Time taken: at least 40 hours