Final Rating: 7.32. Finished 4 out of 174 entries.

6,389 views including the voting period.


Animator: India Swift

Description: Sadly, didn't get to finish off the inbetweening I wanted to due to lack of time. Please be harsh, guys! I want to get better, so give me some good critique :)


Experience: couple of years

Time taken: Two weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


probably'd need a few more inbetweens, but i do love it

Martin Strom:

I like your character designs but they're move too much and the lip-sync doesn't really match at the end.

Sandra Boogaards:

Really good expressions. Nice job!

Roger Crown:

Love the draw char's style ,,,,but she goes down too far on frame 280 or therof ....................I mean think about it,,,,,,,,,,,,would real actors emote this far down on the accent of the words where things .......................or not......................don';t get me wrong ,,,the clarity of the drawing is there....and the emotions of where to hit the words are there........except.....where trying to get inside your head as to why u did such........ on such an big maybe u overacted...and as i see as such that would be an easy flow of animation from frame to next time .....take 5 or 12 steps from the computer and see the differnce or go with a mirror and see it in a mirror reflection ...........and u will see what i say is of better for that one spot for u....................................again,,,love the draws, and the model sheet that u used...for consitsity of char's, and the action lines for the back and forth dynamics is great.............

rated at== 10....only because i think i know who this is.........................i've been wrong before.....ahemmmmmmmm.......LOL....

Gurleen Singh:

Haha..This might be the winner this time :p

Jean-Daniel Eugenie:

Very good

Niels Koper:

Smooth animation man.


Ramon Arango:

the animation is superb but the acting not so much. The voice is not as extreme as you portray it in the last pose of the woman, and why would the guy suddenly change his attitude from macho confident to afraid? I think if the guy was still grinning in the end and the girl less extreme it would improve a lot (at least in the speed of motion, maybe the pose works alright if she stands up more slowly).
Also I find it a bit crazy that around 140 the woman changes her expression every 10 frames or so. They are great dont get me wrong, but a little more time for each one and maybe only 130, 166, 194. That would give you 2 emotions less to try to squeeze into the time. Just pick the essential ones to convey whats going on. She sees him putting down the contract - lean back - then he looks at her boobs - look down - and then instead of the fast paced facemorphing go straight to the annoyed eyeroll and give it more time.
Anyway nice job, keep working on your acting :)



Simon Edwards:

The drawings are nice but I felt the acting was a little over the top for the dialogue.

Valentious Williams:

Perfect boobs , she deserve those stars . The animation is near perfect .

Mag Magnet:

This is my favorite animating style of all. And of course the funny idea - and her great sass! - makes this even better!

Ruth Agada:

I really love this especially from frame 268 to the end. Great job.