Final Rating: 6.56. Finished 9 out of 131 entries.

201,909 views including the voting period.


Animator: OrgMine

Description: They try to revive some corpse.

Experience: 2 years

Time taken: after work and free time


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Jonathan McKimmel:

XD this is the best concept I've seen, really nice work

Mariana Patsi:

hahahah such a cool idea! and the animation is great! well done!

Lim Zhi Chuan:

interesting idea!

Jyrki Kanto:

Cool story and acting! The lipsync seems to be a bit off.

Harry Roger Smith:

Super good! Only thing I can comment on is the animation on the lady's hat feels a little bit too spline-y, it could do with a softer movement. Apart from that though, really nicely done.

Pallav Sharma:


Szilard Hadobas:

Nice job! I would tweak the framing in the last shot because the characters are almost offscreen.. You could break up the face animation..