Final Rating: 6.03. Finished 18 out of 131 entries.

797 views including the voting period.


Animator: Perry Hsieh

Description: The girl and the dragon.

Experience: some

Time taken: 2 weeks after work


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Sam Neale:

That is a badass dragon! Only thing I wold like to see is just a touch more life in the dragon in the begining. Great shot!

Lim Zhi Chuan:

interesting :)


good work!

Jyrki Kanto:

Looks good! The characters seem to be out of focus for some reason, unlike the grass at the bottom.


the dragon should a bit cozy in the beginning after listening he should change expression it will create variation

Sergio Candela Ramirez:

Great, I loved it! Maybe the creature's breathing at the beginning could have been less subtle, but this way is ok too..Good job!

Pamela Rivera:

The idea is nice, but the acting feels blocky, probably it need more offset in the arms and the face. I feel that the everything in their bodies is moving at the same time.

Richard Adams:

Dragon was way too immobile though frames 0-139, even with the tiny amount of breathing. Didn't even recognize it as a dragon until he started talking (thought it was tree branch or something). Mery moves pretty well though. Still decent overall.

Sabrina Winkel:

This is pretty cool

Szilard Hadobas:

Lol.. so Game of Thrones XD. Nicely done! Actually I feel the animation is too snappy especially the dragon.. I feel no weight on him..