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Indian in a Cowboy's costume

by Travis Stowell

Final Rating: 6.08. Finished 16 out of 131 entries.

9,652 views including the voting period.


Animator: Travis Stowell

Description: Takes place in a movie studio. An uncomfortable Indian man is trying to play the part of a cowboy instead of an Indian. When the director asks him to say his line in an Indian accent, he becomes uncomfortable.

Experience: 2.5 years

Time taken: 1.5 weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Shakya Achyut:

this is wonderful

Marcus Taylor:

To me the woman has a little bit too much sideways movement in her walk, but your theme works well and carries across.

Lim Zhi Chuan:

good interactive among the characters.



Jyrki Kanto:

Really good!

Iqtidar Ali Siddiqui:

in top 5 !

Sabrina Winkel:

I love the extra 3rd character and the camera. The scene looked good even the characters. The backdrop was a nice touch

Szilard Hadobas:

Hi! Nice job! I like the swallow a lot! I would turn off or tune way down the motion blur. I feel something strange on the walk... like she walks on pillows or something... But the acting choices are nice!

Richard Adams:

Extremely well done. Top Ten for sure.


IT felt like the poses for the woman could have been stronger/more exaggerated, but the guy's poses were spectacular! Animation was top notch too!