Final Rating: 7.04. Finished 5 out of 131 entries.

16,294 views including the voting period.


Animator: Samet Samet

Description: Rookie actor, gets nervous at the audition.

Experience: 5 Years at Harmony.

Time taken: 20 hours in 1 week.


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Shakya Achyut:

nice design


Looking great and so different than other entries...this will be on the top for sure...

Ellen Roberts:

This looks like something you would find in an actual cartoon, and you have a really good sense of motion! However, the faces look rather plastic, particularly in the male character. It appears to have one major expression, which suited for the female's scene, but I felt like you should have experimented a little more with the male's expressions, who's a little more unsure rather than content and happy.

Richard Adams:

Love the character designs! the way the hair, eyes, forehead moves is terrific. Mouth movement especially on the male needs more work, rather distracting as is. Pretty good overall.

Szilard Hadobas:

Cool characers!! I love the style!