(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Javid Fathi:
Love the interaction between the two characters in this scene. One thing to consider would be the blinking of your characters, which you can use to break up the reactions and interaction between your characters.
Vin Liew:
body language is there, not bad. need some polishing work.
Ben Hall:
The lighting is very distracting and the motion feels like it could be more fluid
Nice, feels pretty natural. The nodding around frame 170 could probably be toned down a little and the hand around frame 190 better sync'ed up with the patting audio though.
Animator: Laurence Magennis
Description: an interrogation scene for a petty thief were the cops are rubbing in that he was caught.
Experience: 3 years of university and a few months as a freelance 2d animator
Time taken: 3 weeks