(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Ivan Mendoza:
The tap on the cage feels really nice. Other movements could use some improvement like the anticipation of the racoon before he starts speaking.
Michaela Wadzinski:
I like the look of the crowd and the man's movements are great. But the lip sync seems to stop at his second line?
Vin Liew:
need work on lipsync
You've got some charming poses here. Definitely a good start. Be careful with the eyes though, they're a bit all over the place.
Ben Hall:
There is sudden speed ups and slow downs here and there needs to be some flow through although I love the raccoons expression and pose
Animator: Aly Killian
Description: Children at the carnival watch as a carnie presents an oddity he found.
Experience: 1 yr
Time taken: 3 good days