Final Rating: 5.78. Finished 17 out of 62 entries.

38,881 views including the voting period.


Animator: Maya Mendonca

Description: An ant tries to impress a girl by leading her where the big size treats for Halloween are. At first she isn't impressed but then she discovers the hidden treats.

Experience: I am fairly experienced as an animator.

Time taken: This animation took 2 weeks to fully complete


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Megan Menetrey:

Nice blend of 2D and 3D!

Dave Roddick:

Love the 2d/3d mix of characters, and the ending!

Anais Larocque:

Creative idea, I wish we had a close up on the ant when he talks. :)

Mike Schanbacher:

Haha, cute. In both shots where the ant is talking, the side of the girl's face is visible, but completely would be nice to see that character stay alive even a little bit in those sections.