Final Rating: 4.53. Finished 57 out of 72 entries.

0 views including the voting period.


Animator: Samuel na

Description: uhh it was personal to me?


Experience: not much as i want

Time taken: a few weeks


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Jen Quinn:

I love the timing of the brow-furrow as she hears “it wasn’t personal” - it feels very natural and expressive. And I think your facial animation and lip sync are great, although the inward lip curl on “all that means” is a bit extreme and the unfolding of the lip during the following words is a little eerie.

The little head turn into the shrug on “what is that supposed to mean” lands very naturally, I love that. I feel like after “I’m so sick of that”, when the character just has her head up-turned, is when it loses a little momentum though - there’s a little life I feel is lost in that just hanging there, but everything else was great!


The expressions are nice but the body is a bit stiff ... Maybe try pushing the posing a little more ?


This could benefit from just a few more key poses and breakdowns to give the animation one breathing room in-between each movement. Other than that, great start!

Mahesh Waran:

very nice start , the scene looks very promising ,
a bit of zoom in with a clear frame on expressions as you have very less body movements , make sure you take care of the head space.
animation needs ease out and hold at places , do show it to every known animator for review!