(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Giancarlo Ferri:
Love the subtle movements especially on the woman!
Danish Adeem:
Nice animation, though more could be done to make the narrative involving the video game controller much clearer here: did the dude win a game against her? Is he prioritising the game over a relationship?
I really like all the subtle movements you do with the characters, I also like how even when the character isn't talking they don't feel dead. The composition feels a little off, maybe that's exactly what you were going for but the screen left feels a little empty
Animator: FXR
Description: When an avid video gamer uses special techniques in casual games, it doesn't end well for the one facing them. Keep in mind, that it was only a reflex in this situation.
Experience: 3 years in a school that teaches animation, among other things
Time taken: 1 week