Final Rating: 3.17. Finished 142 out of 169 entries.

35 views including the voting period.


Animator: Nilesh Kamble

Description: it is conversation on of two person about stream by having look on map.

Experience: 6 month

Time taken: 1 week


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


Lipsynch needs work.

Sam H:

The guy on the right has a completely vacant stare going on for most of the video. Work those eye controls a bit

Matthew Kenyon:

That scared me.

Jan Abero:

Is it just me or is the background object or the camera moving?

Luke Morin:

Nice to see Ben up in action.

Sophie Bracmard:

Everything seem to "slide" all the time. The camera, and the animation of the character. If this is some sort of travelling, it doesn't change the angle so you better have a fixed camera.

Daniel Roldan:

The guy on the left looks pretty stiff, relax him a bit to make him look more natural

Serena Gorn:

I like it, but some of the movements feel awkward. If I had to put specifics, in the beginning, the guy's eyes are half-closed and he doesn't look very serious even though the tone of his voice is.