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Ghostbusters - Leaving the Lab

by Alex Webster

Final Rating: 3.85. Finished 112 out of 169 entries.

31 views including the voting period.


Animator: Alex Webster

Description: Just before they leave the lab to deal with some ghosts, some important information needs to be given.

Experience: Student - Done 1 short full animation and some practise biped animation

Time taken: about 8 hours


(Commenting only available during the rating period)


Characters need to feel weight

Matt Murphy:

the scene felt a bit dark. Nice job with the soft lighting, but a couple more lights could have helped. I felt some of the quote was lost to darkness

April Slocombe:

A couple of cliched poses on "What?" and "Why?" but the rest of the poses, staging and animation are great while the animation is smooth throughout.

Sophie Bracmard:

the animation is a bit stiff