Final Rating: 4.80. Finished 52 out of 228 entries.

342 views including the voting period.


Animator: Md. Parwej Akhtar

Description: Middle of playing chess . The guy is trying to manipulate to the girl .

Experience: Few years

Time taken: 10 days apart from my work time.


(Commenting only available during the rating period)

Alex Mlqd:

I think you need to improve your lipsync but body animation seems to be nice.

Meridith Winterfeld:

wow.... great job at sculpting the chess pieces... but you should show the other pieces taken on the side since there are some missing on the board.

Yurika Nishi-Imai:

love Mery's animation. especially the part when she does her laugh.

Kieran Gunn:

Very good animation.
The last part doesn't make sense as the guy isn't shown to be distracted by something and seems to just speak to himself.

Erich Hess:

her "thrilled to hear that" body motions seem too fast, almost vibrating.