(Commenting only available during the rating period)
Deanna Keogh:
Just the ending is a little out of sync, and the Mery rig which stops a couple frames towards the end...
Marcella D.:
I feel like I have seen this already, but this one has better lightening and texturing.
Many of the larger movements happened a little fast.
Sabrina Winkel:
The characters move way too much
Gaucelm De Villaret:
Jitters too much and there is not a very good focus on the expression/movement.
Fernando Incetta:
Looks good overall. Try to rely less on the automated splines and work more on your pose-to-pose. Also, the lip sync is a little bit off sometimes. Good luck.
Keith Douglas:
Actions are too extreme.
Animator: Yap Choon Pei
Description: Student Work
Experience: One Year As A Student
Time taken: Three Week